
In the news

From time to time we attract the attention of the press, with journalists keen to help tell our story of Deepdale Farm’s regenerative farming journey. If you would like to know more about us, then take a read or have a listen to some of the below articles and podcasts about Deepdale Farm. Articles and podcasts about Deepdale Farm EDP […]

What we’re learning about cover crops

This is a longer read than usual, a follow-on from our post about fixing our soils. As heavy rain fell last February after an already wet January, our soil had no more capacity to hold water, and it ran off the fields in growing rivulets, carving channels up to three feet deep and carrying soil away with it by the […]

Interview with Land Management 2.0

This week, Jason and Nathan interviewed with Tim Hopkin, founder of the Land App and Land Management 2.0, an community interest company bringing together experts and thought leaders in landscape management. We use the Land App extensively at Deepdale Farm, from designing our mid tier Countryside Stewardship agreement to various other planning tasks. Land Management 2.0 has been a brilliant […]

Farming is changing. Here’s how we’re preparing

Along with farms across England, we’ve been waiting for more detail from the government on proposed reforms to agricultural policy that are set to be the most dramatic in half a century. We will be waiting a bit longer for all of the detail we need, but following a new announcement from Defra last week, we know a little more […]

United We Ag Podcast featuring Jason & Nathan

The world of agriculture has embraced Twitter in a big way, and both Nathan & Jason love chatting with fellow farmers all around the world.  That connection has helped develop ideas for Deepdale, and connected this North Norfolk Coast farm to a wealth of advice, support & knowledge. Through those chats, Jason & Nathan met Derek Brazda, host of ‘United […]

@AgoftheWorld Tweets

For a week in July 2020, Nathan & Jason took over the @AgoftheWorld twitter account. They joined a worldwide community of farmers telling the story of their farms. They discovered the twitter account because of the interesting posts by other farmers, helping build the knowledge & helping shape the future of @DeepdaleFarm. Here are the tweets Nathan & Jason created […]

Busy Weekend

We had another busy weekend on the farm. While Stephen ran pump tests for our irrigation, Nathan and Jason recorded the latest Deepdale Podcast, and we all went to The Greatest Online Agricultural Show (virtually). As the lockdown continues, nature continues to enjoy the peace & quiet, getting bolder each day. Deepdale Podcast Despite there not being events to chat […]