
In the news

From time to time we attract the attention of the press, with journalists keen to help tell our story of Deepdale Farm’s regenerative farming journey. If you would like to know more about us, then take a read or have a listen to some of the below articles and podcasts about Deepdale Farm.

FWAG farm walk Deepdale Farm May 2023
FWAG farm walk Deepdale Farm May 2023

Articles and podcasts about Deepdale Farm

EDP – Deepdale Farm gets the go-ahead for campsite extension.

KL Magazine, July & August 2023 – An overview of our regenerative farming journey so far. Explaining the impact this has had on biodiversity around the farm.

Farming Social Hub podcast – Anna along with Sam Hurst (Norfolk Rivers Trust) are interviewed by Sarah Juggins. When devastating flooding happened on the farm in early 2020 NRT were instrumental in providing support and securing funding to rectify the damage. With their direction, we began to change our practices.

EDP – Chris Hall covers the Norfolk FWAG (Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group) farm walk in May 2023.

Norfolk Coast AONB – an explanation of the ELMS/Landscape Recovery Project in North Norfolk: Wilder, Wetter, Better for Nature

NFU Online – An overview of the FIPL (Farming in Protected Landscapes) funding used to develop Downs Barn into a hub for rural crafts and skills.

RegenAgri podcast – Rose Riley discusses with Nathan and Josiah Meldrum (Hodmedod’s). How regenerative food systems can build financial resilience now and in the future.

BBC News – an overview of the North Norfolk biodiversity audit (May 2022) which recorded over 10,000 species.

Farmers Weekly – January 2022 saw the reintroduction of sheep to Deepdale for the first time in over 50 years. This was thanks to Carbon Dating, an initiative set up by Liz Genever to match land owners with graziers.

Fakenham & Wells Times – As the farm prepared for major changes in July 2020, Jason and Nathan spoke to Chris Hall to explain the reasons behind the farm’s decisions to change their practices.

If you are a journalist interested in covering any kind of activity at Deepdale Farm, then please Contact Us