Open Farm Sunday – 12th June 2022

We’re delighted to welcome you back to Deepdale Farm again this year! Come and find out more about how we farm, and what we’re doing for wildlife. After introductions and some activities in the farmyard, join a guided farm walk at 11am or 2pm.  The walk is about 3km or up to an hour and a half, and we’ll stop […]

Groundswell 2021

Jason and Nathan headed to Groundswell in late June, their first visit to this hugely inspiring event. The event is all about regenerative agriculture, and we nicknamed it ‘Farmer’s Glastonbury’. There were hugely inspiring presenters, stands, demonstrations, workshops, the Earthworm Arms pub, great street food and a circus tent (used for presentations rather than circus acts). Although the boys’ brains […]

Open Farm Sunday – 27th June 2021

We are really looking forward to our first Open Farm Sunday here at Deepdale Farm. Open Farm Sunday has been happening across the UK for a long time now, so it is wonderful to engage in this event organised by LEAF. FULLY BOOKED – Thank you to everyone who has booked to visit us for our 1st Open Farm Sunday.Pleased […]

@FarmersOfTheUK Tweets

Nathan (@mrnathannelson) and Jason (@earthlyideas) spent the week from 18th January 2021 tweeting as @FarmersOfTheUK, a twitter that features a different farm each week. Each farm approaches the week different, but with the common thread being the story of the farm, and more importantly ineracting with other farmers and interested readers. Nathan & Jason came across the account when looking […]

United We Ag Podcast featuring Jason & Nathan

The world of agriculture has embraced Twitter in a big way, and both Nathan & Jason love chatting with fellow farmers all around the world.  That connection has helped develop ideas for Deepdale, and connected this North Norfolk Coast farm to a wealth of advice, support & knowledge. Through those chats, Jason & Nathan met Derek Brazda, host of ‘United […]

Coastal farm’s transformation will shift focus from food production to nature

Deepdale Farm near Burnham Market is embarking on a bold transformation which includes converting 60-80pc of its arable land into environmental features. Article by Chris Hill, Pictures by Brittany Woodman A north Norfolk farm is preparing to convert up to 80pc of its arable land into environmental features as part of a radical “regenerative” transformation to boost its business resilience. […]

@AgoftheWorld Tweets

For a week in July 2020, Nathan & Jason took over the @AgoftheWorld twitter account. They joined a worldwide community of farmers telling the story of their farms. They discovered the twitter account because of the interesting posts by other farmers, helping build the knowledge & helping shape the future of @DeepdaleFarm. Here are the tweets Nathan & Jason created […]

Busy Weekend

We had another busy weekend on the farm. While Stephen ran pump tests for our irrigation, Nathan and Jason recorded the latest Deepdale Podcast, and we all went to The Greatest Online Agricultural Show (virtually). As the lockdown continues, nature continues to enjoy the peace & quiet, getting bolder each day. Deepdale Podcast Despite there not being events to chat […]

Eat Farm Now – Lockdown Learning

The lovely people at Eat Farm Now and NFU Learning are developing great farming and food production related lockdown learning materials, to help entertain and educate the younger (& possibly more mature) members of the family, during these strange strange times. They include videos, interviews, activities, and best of all its completely free. Learn why ‘Farmers are so smelly’, make […]